Podiatrists Treat Uncommon Forms Of Psoriasis

30 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Although psoriasis can affect more than one part of the body, there are different types of psoriasis that can affect the feet -- some of them requiring more than self-care. If you suspect you may have psoriasis on your feet, a podiatrist can diagnose and treat the condition.

Palmoplantar Psoriasis

Palmoplantar psoriasis is an uncommon form of psoriasis that can be disabling as the condition makes walking painful. Although psoriasis on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet covers only a small portion of the body's total skin area, the pain the scaly patches and psoriatic plaques cause on the soles of the feet can diminish your quality of life. Burning and severe itching are additional symptoms of palmoplantar psoriasis that may add to your discomfort.

Treatment Options:

  • Soak your feet in water to relieve itching

  • Apply coal tar or topical steroids to relieve inflammation

  • Apply emollients to moisturize dry skin and soften scaling

For severe cases, your doctor may recommend phototherapy (light therapy) to help relieve your symptoms.

Nail Psoriasis

Although nail changes often occur in individuals with palmoplantar psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, some people only have nail psoriasis. Changes in the nail that may occur include:

  • Pitting or grooves on the nail

  • Thickening of the nail plate (hard part of the nail)

  • Yellow-brown discoloration of the nail

  • Nails get brittle and break

  • White patches under the nails

  • Partial or complete separation of the nail from the nail bed

  • Thickening of the skin beneath the toenail

Treatment Options:

  • Apply topical steroids, vitamin D-3 derivatives, or retinoid creams to the nail and cuticle

  • Apply a nail lacquer to hydrate and strengthen your toenails

  • Get corticosteroid injections under the surface of the nail to relieve pain

Pustular Psoriasis

Another rare form of psoriasis, pustular psoriasis can be either localized or generalized. Localized pustular psoriasis affects the hands and feet. Early symptoms include pustular lesions under the nail, but the condition can lead to extensive damage to the nail plate. Pustular psoriasis also causes pus-filled lesions (pustules) on the soles of your feet. The condition may lead to inflammation of the joints and bones.

While this type of foot psoriasis often occurs following an injury, emotional stress can cause flares. The blisters common with the condition may deform your nails or cause them to fall off. In the worst cases, toe bones can become deformed.

Treatment Options:

  • The first course of treatment for this condition generally involves applying steroid creams or ointments to the skin. Your doctor may later suggest combining one or more topical treatments with light therapy. 

To learn more, contact a podiatrist clinic like Center for Foot Care

